Forearm and grip training

Development and strengthening of the forearms and grip strength are important components of any serious strength training program.
Muscle Composition
The forearms consist of numerous relatively large and small muscles, located on the front and back surfaces of the forearm. Among them, the largest is the brachioradialis (the arm-radiating muscle), which largely defines the size of the forearm.
Forearm training is an important aspect of any resistance training program. For bodybuilders, developing these muscles is important for overall arm proportions, while for powerlifters and other strength athletes, their strength, such as wrist strength, is important.
There are numerous exercises for training the forearms, the most important and fundamental of which we will consider in this category.
You will need to choose around two exercises and perform them regularly, then alternate with others. At a frequency of once or twice a week.
Additional equipment is mostly unnecessary; a barbell is sufficient for basic training.
Grip Strength
Grip strength is an important indicator of hand strength and endurance. It affects your ability to effectively perform various strength exercises with free weights.
It is very important for strength sports and can be a limiting factor in many exercises: deadlift, snatch, push, farmer's walk, standing and lying barbell press, pull-ups.
There is also a separate discipline for grip strength competitions - arm lifting. Grip training in it is very diverse and clearly divided into various types of lifts and pulls performed with special equipment.
For grip training, you will need wrist expanders, grip strengtheners, and weight plates from the barbell. If you don't delve too deeply into this, that's more than enough.
It is not advisable to train grip strength often, as it already participates in many basic movements, such as pulling. Therefore, once a week after the main program or on rest days will be sufficient.