Reading time: 2 - 3 minutes

About the author:

Glad to see you on my site Strongshop.

My name is Denis, I am the author of all materials and articles on this site. I love strength training and everything that comes with it. In most cases, I reject the use of steroids and advocate natural strength training, which not only gives strength and beauty, but also improves the health of the athlete.

About my own experience, training and expertise

Experience of own strength training - 8 years.

I fulfill the modern standards of the master of sports in bare deadlift, strict bicep curl and power lift (standing press plus bicep curl), as well as push-ups on uneven bars with weight.

Of course, I do not forget about the bench press and squats with a barbell. I also really like to train grip strength and use armlifting exercises for this.

In addition, I include in the training such rather rare exercises as taking on the chest, a farmer's walk, etc.

Although I mainly focus on progress in lifting the maximum weight in one repetition for individual disciplines, I do not forget about proportions. Therefore, I do not like weight gain, but I prefer garonic development.

I have experience in making and improving simple equipment for strength training. I have 5 years of experience in writing training programs for various purposes.

Certified fitness instructor in strength training and progressive fitness.

Использую методики и философию именитых тренеров и атлетов - Александра Засса, Георга Гакеншмидта, Стива Ривза, Арнольда Шварценеггера, Брукса Кубика, Джима Вендлера.   

 Денис стронгшоп

About Strength Training Articles

I try to present the materials on the site in an understandable language. Articles are formed on the basis of their own experience and beliefs, much is taken from the advice and methods of many eminent athletes of the past and present.

If you have any questions, you can always write to me by mail or in any of the messengers, contacts are on any page of the site.

About fitness trainer

Description of my services as a fitness trainer. I am engaged in writing training programs for home and gym, as well as online consultations on the construction of training and the correct execution of exercises.

More details can be found on the corresponding page.

About sections strength and cardio simulators 

In product descriptions, I do not use water and hackneyed phrases, I correct false statements, with unclear promises and calculated on people's ignorance.

I hope that the information you find here will be useful for your physical development! 

Me in social networks and blog platforms:

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About this site and author

Online fitness trainer services and strength training blog. Exercises, training programs, methods, books.


Write us via messengers:
Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp
097 138 02 97

Call us: 099 284 86 28

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