Back workout

The importance of back training and development
Exercises for the back muscles are among the most important, without a strong back a person has no strength. Of the exercises for the development of strength and mass, these are mainly traction, number one is the deadlift and its types, traction in an incline and others.
The most important back muscles that take part in the formation of its width and mass are the latissimus dorsi. They start at the back of the armpits and go down to the waist. It is the latissimus dorsi that gives the figure a powerful cone-shaped appearance, visually increasing the width of the shoulders and narrowing the waist. Therefore, any athlete involved in bodybuilding and simply with iron must definitely put in enough effort and time to develop them.
Trapezius muscles
Low back
The loin is mainly represented by the erectors of the back. When planning your training program, lower back exercises are best left at the end of your workout. Strengthening the muscles of the lower back is important for the health and overall strength of the athlete, as it is one of the weakest points when lifting heavy weights.
The most basic is traction. Powerful basics are performed with a barbell. More isolated on blocks.
At the same time, correct technique is extremely important for training the back, since especially the lower back is easy to injure. If you're new to bodybuilding, powerlifting, or iron in general, use lighter weights in the early stages, even if you feel like you can lift more. To subject this area to heavy loads, you first need to strengthen the musculoskeletal apparatus, which will protect the spine from damage.
General recommendations are as follows: when working on muscle mass and relief, perform 10-12 repetitions. Reduce the number of repetitions to 6-8 when training with an emphasis on strength. In purely power movements performed with free weights, 1-5 repetitions are possible.
You can perform the exercises found here at home as well as in the gym, the only question is the equipment and the desire to practice. All of them are suitable for men and women.