Bottom block pull in sitting

Many people dream of having a big and beautiful back. This is the best way to do it - the seated lower block pull. This is a good exercise for shaping the thickness of the back.

There is also another name, namely the horizontal block pull. As is clear from the name already performed on the lower block.

To perform it you will need a lower block cable with a handle attached to it. It is convenient to use V-shaped one. The shape of the handle will allow you to use a neutral grip (palms facing each other).


Muscles to be worked

Of course, latitude is the main muscle group to be trained.

Trapezius, rhomboid and rear deltoids are also loaded.

Biceps muscles are also engaged in work


This exercise has a wide scope. Most commonly used:

In bodybuilding, for the development of mass and work on relief;

In powerlifting, as an additional back exercise;

It is performed in a conventional weight-block simulator, fitness stations or a crossover.


Such traction in the simulator can be used equally well by beginners and experienced athletes. All because it is effective, relatively simple and as safe as possible.

There are no technical difficulties, everything is very simple and clear. However, it is still necessary to disassemble the execution technique up and down, so that later there are no problems in the process:

Athletes of any skill level and gender can use it. For women, this is generally a great chance to easily tighten the back muscles and give them a tone.


Two options can be distinguished: With a fixed body, when the movement occurs only with the hands. Or with the movement of the body, when you lean forward and, as it were, stretch.

Below we consider the technique of a fixed version.

Execution technique

- Sit on the machine, put your feet on the stand, bend your knees slightly. It is necessary to take the pen so that the palms look at each other. Starting position - back in a straight position and arms extended.

- Keeping your torso still, as you exhale, pull the handle towards you until your hands touch your abs. Contract your lats as much as possible and hold this position for a few seconds.

- While inhaling, slowly return the handle to its original position.

- Complete the required number of repetitions.

It is worth remembering one more important thing when doing the exercise. You will need to actively move your shoulders back and bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible. What are the elbows doing at this time? They go along the sides along the body.

This technique opens up the possibility for maximum load on the muscles of the upper back.

If you're doing a low pulldown with a wide grip, pull the bar up to your chest. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the movement of the elbows through the sides at the height of the handle.

What mistakes should be avoided

In the process, athletes often make the following mistakes:

The block stretches with the biceps, although it is correct - with the back. It is important to pull the block with your elbow so that your forearm is horizontal to the ground. When pulling the biceps, the forearm begins to rise in an uncontrolled manner;

Athletes refuse to keep the lower back, and this is a huge mistake, because it can easily lead to injury;

Shoulder blades must be reduced; if you do not do this, you will soon notice a hump in the cervical region;

Use of swings, jerks, legs.

In training, this exercise can be performed both in the middle and at the end of the lats training.

Question \ answer about the traction of the lower block

How to do it right?

When training, it is worth making sure that the legs remain motionless, and the back is straight. At the point where the muscles contract, you can fix for half a second. The elbows do not go too wide.
In any case, do not rush to put a lot of weight, it is inefficient and will break your technique.

The ideal option is to work with moderate weight. The pace should be slow, act in a multi-repetition mode.

What muscles are involved?

Doing the thrust of the lower block while sitting with a wide and narrow grip, the latissimus lats are involved at different angles.

What are the benefits of regular exercise?

Working out the middle of the widest and drawing a clear relief. You can also have a positive effect on posture, provide a favorable load on the spine.

Can it be done at home?

Yes, the first option is to purchase a simulator with a lower block. Or a simpler option is to use fitness rubber while sitting (the other end must be fixed),

Useful links

author - Denis Strongshop  

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