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Turnikmen - masters of yard sports

Any training outside the gym or other facility, using outdoor equipment can be called yard sports.

Generally speaking, all outdoor sports are varieties of yard sports. However, a narrower interpretation of the concept is also known.

Street sports are most often called a set of certain activities: training on uneven bars, horizontal bars, exercises to strengthen the press and much more.

The first association that the combination of the words “yard sport” evokes is a well-trained young man demonstrating his physical fitness while performing complex elements on the horizontal bar.

This is no coincidence. Indeed, it is the horizontal bar that is one of the most important yard sports equipment. It provides training of different muscle groups, development of the skills necessary for an athlete: to control the body, keep balance, make sharp targeted movements, apply effort correctly and distribute the load.

The owner of all valuable skills, who has already conquered or is just mastering the wisdom of practicing on the horizontal bar, is called a turnstile.

Who is a turnikman

In 2009, the term "turnstile" appeared and became widely known. Turnstiles are called all fans of yard sports, performing elements on the horizontal bar using extreme street equipment.

There is a special movement of turnstiles, whose participants demonstrate their incredible sports training and the limitless possibilities of the usual street horizontal bar. The crossbar becomes a place of extraordinary action - the arsenal of elements is amazing. It included not only elements familiar to many, but also many types of dismounts, flips and lifts, interceptions. Some exits by force have a number of variations, as well as balance flights. They train in any weather, they are not insured with mats - under the horizontal bar there is only earth or sand.
The founder of the movement of turnstiles in Russia was Mikhail Baratov, an athlete from Voronezh. He quickly mastered the elements that distinguish higher gymnastics, did the sun on one hand and other most difficult tricks. Now he is the author of his own "exit".

Also now there is a purely power direction, in which athletes perform pull-ups with additional weight for a certain number of times, it is called streetlifting. However, streetlifting workouts cannot always take place only on the street, as they require additional ammunition.

At turnstile gatherings, masters compete and share their experience. The popularity of the movement is constantly growing. Any teenager is able to completely change his idea of sports, physical training, become a real turnstile and reassess the capabilities of his body, reach a different level of sports training.

Classes strengthen not only the body, but also the spirit, increase self-esteem. Conquering a new element, a person develops as a whole. In addition, the classes are very interesting, challenging and spectacular. Seeing the training of an experienced turnstile for the first time, people are impressed for a long time.

Training videos developed by specialists help to master the tricks.

Useful materials

Youtube channel of the famous turnstile Hannibal - 

author - Denis Strongshop   

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