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History of the development of bodybuilding

The history of bodybuilding around the world has developed gradually. Over the course of different eras, it developed in different ways, its formation is rich in various facts.

The origin of bodybuilding in the world

The history of the emergence and development of bodybuilding dates back to antiquity, in the Roman Empire and Greece. Sculptors and artists of those times were looking for models with a beautiful athletic figure to create works of art.

Men trained to improve their bodies and muscles.
Archaeological finds prove these facts. Ancient vases and statues depict people with weights in competitions. At that time, they built up muscles, tried to correct spinal defects and form a beautiful posture.

At the end of the 19th century, men with prominent muscles showed tricks in the circus, deftly playing with a barbell in their hands as if with something airy.

One well-known bodybuilder Eugene Sandow won the hearts of many fans of unusual sports with circus tricks, somersaults with weights. The English king called him a professor of physical education, and other people called him the strongest man on earth. In the early 20th century, Eugene began holding bodybuilding competitions and personally presented awards to the winners.

However, the father of bodybuilding is considered to be the athlete Evgeny Sandov. Which at that time had a magnificent figure, proportions, and also showed power tricks.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the development of bodybuilding continues and there is a clear division into bodybuilders, weightlifters and later powerlifters.


International competitions

The first bodybuilding championship was held in 1946.

In the middle of the 20th century, such famous bodybuilders as Steve Reeves, Larry Scott, Regg Park appeared, who brought a lot of new things to the development of bodybuilding. It is becoming more and more popular.

Around this stage of development, there is a clear division into amateurs and professionals who begin to take anabolic steroids. And also if earlier bodybuilders lifted heavy weights like weightlifters, then gradually their methods changed.

Cinematographers began to pay attention to many stars and began to invite them to shoot films. It was Steve Reeves and, of course, the great Arnold.


Tournament Mr. Olympia

In 1965, Joe Weider created the most prestigious bodybuilding competition in the world - Mr. Olympia.

The first winners were Larry Scott and Sergio Oliva.

Then came the era of Arnold Schwarzenegger. In the 70s, the famous Iron Arnie trained a lot, promoted bodybuilding, wrote books on bodybuilding and participated in competitions. Wrote an encyclopedia with detailed facts about this sport.

Then in the 80s and 90s there were such great athletes as Lee Haney and Dorian Yates. In the 2000s, Ronnie Coleman.


The formation of Russian bodybuilding

The beginning of the history of the weightlifting sport in Russia was at the end of the 19th century, when a group of weightlifters was created by the doctor Kraevsky. At this time, Russian athletes began to bring glory to the country with their athletic talents.

Bodybuilding in the USSR did not gain popularity immediately. At first, bodybuilding was banned, as it was believed that this sport would go against the usual system. Bodybuilders practiced in basements and hidden halls. But later, the bodybuilding movement broke through prohibitions and harsh conditions.

The appearance of the All-Union championships in athletics was at the beginning of 1970. Among the winners was the Russian bodybuilder Vladimir Dubinin, who later created the athletics section. He prepared fans of this sport for competitions. Subsequently, his pupil, Alexander Vishnevsky, became the world champion.

Of the domestic bodybuilders over the past 10-15 years, it is worth noting such wonderful athletes as Dmitry Golubochkin, Stanislav Lindover, Alexey Shabunya

The history of the emergence and development of bodybuilding is replenished every year. This sport has greatly influenced the modern world and the popularity of bodybuilding is growing rapidly.

author - Denis Strongshop  

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