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Focused strength training

One of the questions that athletes face is increasing the intensity of training. How to increase the volume and strength of muscles? How to achieve the required relief?

Accented training helps to achieve the desired result.


What type of training is this, and what types are there?

Accentuated strength training is such an organization of classes when additional exercises are included in it - with the aim of influencing lagging muscle groups. For example, if in the basic version of the lesson the “bicep curl” exercise with a barbell is performed, then in the “accented” version, in addition, two more will be performed. For example - lifting dumbbells, with a turn outward and lifting a light barbell, with a reverse grip.

Naturally, adding the amount of exercise increases the time of the session itself, making it difficult not only physically, but also psychologically difficult. What's the way out? The way out is in the system of the correct organization of the training process. The first option - used for 3 one-time sessions (per week) - is the implementation of complexes, by type, 1 and 2. The second is a separate training, by type: A and B.

Performing exercises in complex 1 and 2 assumes that in each lesson one main and one additional exercise is performed, but in each of the complexes, they differ.


In complex 1, the barbell is lifted with a direct grip, and additionally, with a reverse grip. In complex 2, the dumbbell raise will be performed, with a turn to the outside, then the reverse grip raise. The implementation of the complexes alternates: first, second, first, second. Such a construction of classes, in addition to strength training, is popular among boxers, wrestlers and fighters, various types of martial arts.

Separate training involves almost daily classes. This type of training is used by professional strongmen, powerlifters, bodybuilders. At the first stage, during the period of adaptation to loads, the number of lessons per week is four, later it reaches six. Classes are held by type: A and B. "A" - Monday, Wednesday, Friday. The exercises involved: arms, chest, shoulders and abs; additionally - forearms. Part "B" - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. These days, involved: back, legs and abs; additionally - caviar.

Regardless of which exercise option is more suitable: “separate” or “complex”, success will be achieved with proper nutrition, consistency and perseverance in achieving the goal.

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author - Denis Strongshop

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