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The legendary captains of crush is the benchmark in the world of wrist expanders. For a long time, Iron Mind has been manufacturing this hand expander, which is the standard for quality in strengthening grip strength..

 This is a great solution for all amateurs and strength sports professionals who want to seriously develop their grip strength.

It is important to know how to choose the right captains of crush hand expander for your workouts. Since a model that is too soft will not give you progress, and too hard will either compress with great difficulty or not completely close.

Manufacturers also conduct certification among those who want to pass the test of their grip, close their expander number and receive an official certificate.

Of course, COC will also be used for armlifting competitions, being one of its disciplines with certain specifics.

For production, aircraft-grade aluminum and first-class steel are used, which guarantees their durability and compliance with the declared load characteristics. They practically do not sag even after a long period of operation. The original is made only by Iron Mind in the USA.

There are 11 captains of crush models with different compression strengths (27-165 kg) and are designed for beginners and experienced athletes. For the most effective training, it is very important for an athlete to choose the optimal model for himself

So the numbers of the Captain of Crush wrist expanders are as follows:

Guide - 27 kg.

For those who are just starting their first steps in developing their grip strength. Good for warming up. 

Sport - 36 kg.

This model is a little tougher than the first one. Also made for beginners.

Trainer - 45 kg

Starting option for the transition to more rigid expanders.

No. 0.5 - 54 kg

Transitional model between Trainer and No. 1. Since it is not easy for everyone to immediately go to the first one.

No. 1 - 63 kg

From this number, the Captains of Crush expanders noticeably increase in stiffness.

No. 1.5 - 76 kg

Transitional model between #1 and #2. Since it is not easy for everyone to go from the first to the second at once.

No. 2 - 88 kg

Training on this number will provide a reliable and strong grip for all athletes.

No. 2.5 - 108 kg.

This is already a very serious level, approximately comparable to the fulfillment of the CCM standard.

No. 3 - 127 kg.

The most famous number It is already possible to be certified from it, comparable to the fulfillment of the MS standard - master of sports.

No. 3.5 - 146 kg.

An incredibly hard expander, which not many people can squeeze.

No. 4 - 165 kg.

Only a few people in the world can squeeze this steel monster.

Number 3 closure example

How to Choose:

To choose the right Captains of Crush number, you need to find out how many times you can compress various grippers of other types.

For example, if you can compress a wrist roller with a load of 40 kg several times, then your working number is either Sport or Trainer.

It's important not to overestimate your abilities too much, but it's also not very useful to stay in one place without progress.


It's important to find the right place in your training for COC.

It's recommended to structure workouts as follows - either after main exercises at the end of the workout or on rest days.

For those taking grip strengthening even more seriously, you will need a training program with Captains of Crush.

Common Mistakes:

Too frequent training. This approach overloads small muscles, ligaments, and tendons of the wrist, leading to overtraining and stagnation.

Only partial closures of the gripper. This technical mistake hinders progress. Remember to fully close your Captains of Crush occasionally.

Excessive load, in this case, using too large a COC number.

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author - Denis Strongshop  

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