Push-ups from the floor

Among all the basic exercises, it is worth noting push-ups from the floor. This is the most popular bodyweight exercise that everyone knows about.

 During execution, various muscle groups are involved. At the same time, everyone can master them.

Applications and benefits

Push-ups from the floor help to work out almost all muscle groups of the shoulder girdle. It does not require special equipment, push-ups anywhere.

Easy to learn, suitable for absolutely everyone without restrictions. There is no so-called risk zone in case of violation of technology.

For all their simplicity, push-ups from the floor can be a good additional exercise even in an advanced level training program.

A wide range of applications - fitness, bodybuilding, weightlifting, powerlifting.

Depending on the goals and objectives, a variety of types of push-ups from the floor can be included in the training plan. For example, to finish off the triceps, the option with a narrow grip is well suited.

Relief chest and inflated triceps are excellent indicators for men. But women do not seek such an effect. They include this basic exercise in their weight loss program. During execution, a lot of energy is consumed, fat is burned more efficiently.

With regular push-ups, your body will work much better. Improves metabolism, accelerates the process of lipolysis. The load on the pectoral muscles will make the muscles more prominent. Cellulite will disappear on the hands, and fat accumulation will irrevocably disappear.

 What muscles work in such push-ups

Many compare this exercise with the bench press.

They have an identical technique with a difference in the chosen plane. In order to accurately understand the principles of doing push-ups, you need to figure out which working muscles will be strengthened.

The main load falls on the triceps. It varies depending on the position of the hands. If the palms are wide apart, most of the load will go to the muscles of the chest. If the arms are already located, then you will feel a thorough study of the triceps.

The following muscle groups are subjected to additional load:
• different parts of the chest;
• bundles of triceps and deltas;
• musculature of the lower back and press.
• cortex area

Technique for performing push-ups from the floor

Regardless of what sport a person is involved in, proper technique is essential. It is important to understand how to do push-ups correctly,

At the first stages of training, difficulties with technology may arise. Many begin by simply lying on the floor and begin to straighten their arms at the elbows.

But you need to include the rest of the muscles of the body in order to achieve a good result in your workouts.

You need to take a plank position with straight arms. Press your shoulders to the body, bring your shoulder blades together. Do not arch your head and try to look at something, the neck should be in a straight position, look straight ahead. The whole body is a straight line, without arching in the lower back. No need to raise the pelvis high so as not to feel back pain after a workout.

Inhale and begin to gently bend your elbows to lower yourself to the floor. At this time, you will feel how the muscles of the arms and chest tense up. In the lower position (without touching the floor), you need to linger for a few seconds, then exhale and begin to gradually straighten your arms. Slowly rise up, returning to the starting position.

Make sure that the body remains in a straight line, and the lower back does not sag.


If classic push-ups seem too easy, try making it harder. Find a footrest so that your head is lower than your body. This variation allows you to load the upper chest. If you want to work out the bottom, put a stand under your hands.

You can also try:

• On one hand. One of the most difficult options;
• Clapping (jumping after arm extension) Requires speed and certainly not for beginners;
• With additional weight. The most difficult, but at the same time the most effective type of push-ups from the floor. We will consider it separately;
• On fists.

One of the best options for many athletes is a wide stance and placing the feet on an elevated surface. The maximum trajectory of movement allows you to include the back and shoulders in the work. In addition, you will stretch the chest and can improve the shape of the muscles. The first results will be noticeable within a few weeks after the start of active training.

Grip types

You can always choose and vary the grips: how to position the palms in order to work out the muscles of the arms and chest as much as possible. The best option for beginners and professionals is when the palms are parallel to each other. You can use them with narrow, medium or wide grips.

Choose the most comfortable position in which you can stay as long as possible. This will help to work out the muscle fibers as much as possible and achieve an incredible result. Real professionals use various variations of the classic exercise. They often place their hands on an unstable base (fitball, TRX rings) using a narrow or wide grip.


During execution, watch the position of the whole body. Beginners take the pelvis up.

Try not to spread your arms too wide, as you put too much stress on the muscles of the shoulder girdle. In the absence of a sufficient level of physical fitness, it is easy to get injured. Try to keep your elbows close to your body and place your hands at shoulder level.

Another mistake is the wrong setting of the palms. When the weight is not distributed over the entire surface, pain in the wrists may occur. Try not to overload your palms and monitor the position of your whole body in order to perform the exercise correctly and improve athletic performance.


Use all the advantages of push-ups from the floor for your training purposes. You may not want to do them often, but don't forget them because they have a lot of benefits.

author - Denis Strongshop

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