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OMV method of statodynamics

The method of development of oxidative muscle fibers is an exotic training method in which exercises are performed in a special static-dynamic mode. 

The method of omv statodynamics allows you to effectively pump and develop slow muscle fibers, which in the normal training mode are practically not subjected to load. 

OMV method of stato dynamics basis

This training method was proposed in the last century by the scientist Seluyanov.

The basis of the methodology of statodynamic training is that the main trigger for muscle growth is the development of certain anabolic factors in the muscle cell

Here are 4 factors

- The presence of hormones in the cell

- Presence of amino acids in the cell

- Presence of free creatine in the cell

- And most importantly, this is moderate acidification with lactic acid

That is, the theory of not destruction but accumulation works here, due to which muscle growth occurs. Metabolic stress results from the production and consumption of energy by the muscles. Activation of anaerobic glycolysis leads to the accumulation of lactate and hydrogen ions in the muscle fiber, which leads to a change in blood acidity and cause acidosis.

Deltoids, biceps and triceps, as well as quadriceps respond best to this type of training.

The most basic nuances of training according to Seluyanov

- We use more than moderate working weights, half or even less than your standard working weights

- Perform repetitions at a slow speed

- During execution, it is very important to constantly maintain tension in the pumped muscle so that the blood does not leave it, for this we perform movements in an incomplete amplitude.

- The execution time of the approach is from 30 to 60 seconds, well, or 25 - 30 repetitions. Rest between sets 30 - 40 seconds, perform three sets.

This method is actively used in his training by the famous bench press Vladimir Kravtsov. He alternates the method of omv statodynamics with heavy strength training. Also, the famous bodybuilder Stanislav Lindover regularly trains using this method and is pleased with the effect of this type of training.

The method of statodynamics can be used regularly or alternated with standard multi-repetition training, thereby ensuring the cycling of the load and the development of both fast and slow muscle fibers.

Since oxidative muscle fibers predominate in the lower body, this training method works great when training leg muscles. Those. we take squats with a barbell, the weight is about 30 - 40 percent and work like this for 3 - 4 approaches, not forgetting about the principles of execution.

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author - Denis Strongshop

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