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French dumbbell press

A popular isolating exercise for pumping the triceps is the dumbbell French press, also called the dumbbell triceps extension. 

Applications and benefits

It is mainly used in bodybuilding, for isolated pumping of the triceps muscle. Of the advantages, one can single out the relative ease of execution, as well as the fact that only one simple dumbbell is needed to perform.


Working muscles

It is pumped and stretched, especially the back one, which is also a long bundle of triceps. 

During execution, it is necessary to ensure that the elbow of the working hand does not walk back and forth, but is in place. Do not lower the dumbbell too low. It is performed with relatively small weights, since the main thing here is the clarity of execution.

Well suited for pumping mode, for example, you can turn on the same superset.

There are several variations of the exercise: french press with a dumbbell with one hand, sitting or standing, one hand or two. One hand is more efficient, so we will consider it.

Technique for performing French press with a dumbbell with one hand

- We take a dumbbell in pumped. hand, raise it up, the palm looks forward, the shoulder is strictly perpendicular to the floor. This is the starting position.

- Keeping the position of the shoulder, we begin to slowly lower the dumbbell behind the head to about 90 degrees.

- When the bottom point is reached with the effort of the triceps, we raise the dumbbell to its original position.

- You can support the other hand with one hand so that it does not go to the sides during the exercise.

We perform the movement smoothly, without sharp jerks, the shoulder and triceps are motionless during execution. The body is also fixed and motionless.

Now the version of the french press with a dumbbell with two hands (Overhead Triceps Extension) :

- We take a dumbbell with both hands by the pancake, passing it between the index and thumb of each hand.

- Raise the dumbbell above your head, try to keep your elbows closer to your ears, and not turn them outward.

- We bend our arms, lowering the dumbbell behind the head, when we reach the bottom point, we again lift it with the effort of the triceps.

This option is simpler, and does not isolate the triceps as effectively, but it is easier to perform and if you feel uncomfortable doing the french press with a dumbbell with one hand, then the two-handed option is just right.

The optimal mode for performing the exercise French bench press with a dumbbell at the end of a triceps workout is 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions. Perform it with moderate weight and with a clear technique, and also make sure that there is no pain in the elbow joint. If they appear, then replace it for a while with another movement.

Try the standing or sitting options and do the one that works best for you.


Do a dumbbell french press after the basic basic exercises, where the triceps are actively involved. 

Useful links

author - Denis Strongshop 

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