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Lying arm extension with dumbbells is an isolation exercise for pumping the triceps. 


Worked muscles

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How to do it right

Although the extension of the arms lying with dumbbells is an effective and not difficult exercise for triceps, for some reason many people perform it quite rarely, but in vain.

What muscles work

During execution, all three heads of the triceps are included in the work, which is very important for a comprehensive study.


It is suitable for athletes of any level of training, both bodybuilders and powerlifters. It will qualitatively pump and surprise the triceps with a slightly different load.

There are no particular difficulties when performing the exercise, but it is important to adhere to the correct execution technique so that the exercise brings the maximum effect. It is performed with two dumbbells on a horizontal bench, although it can also be performed on the floor. The mode of approaches and repetitions is standard, 3-4 sets for 10-15 repetitions.

Lying arm extension technique with dumbbells

  • We take dumbbells and lie down on the bench. For stability, we rest our feet on the floor. We squeeze the dumbbells up, turn our palms to each other. This is the starting position.
  • We fix part of the arm from the elbow to the shoulder. On inspiration or while holding the breath, slowly and under control lower the dumbbells to the lowest point, approximately near the ears.
  • Now, with a powerful effort of the triceps on exhalation, we carry out reverse extension.

Usually, two dumbbells are lowered and raised at the same time. But there is also an alternate option.

It is usually performed after the main basic exercises.

For complication, in order to maintain constant tension in the muscles, do not fully extend your arms. Also, to complicate the execution, at the bottom point, you can make a small pause. But such complicating methods should only be done after the standard execution mode.

The main mistakes when doing lying arm extension with dumbbells will be too much weight, mobility of the elbow and spreading the elbows to the sides.


Include lying arm extension with dumbbells in your triceps muscle training, you diversify your training with a new exercise that has been proven over the years, perform it at every triceps workout or alternate with other exercises, such as the french press.

Useful links

author - Denis Strongshop  

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