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The Zercher squat, a very unusual type of barbell squat. It was invented by the famous powerlifter from Canada, Ed Zercher.


Where to use


How to properly perform

Although it may seem like a difficult exercise, but it is quite versatile, its advantage is that it does not require special equipment, it can be performed at home or in the gym, even without racks.


In any strength training. For example, to shift the emphasis on the front surface of the muscles of the legs and its increased pumping. Possibly as a backup, also to diversify your training. 

What muscles work

The main muscle that is pumped during the Zercher squat is the quadriceps. The thighs, buttocks and calf muscles are also engaged in the process.

Features and Benefits of the Zercher Squat

The main feature is that the lifting of the bar from the rack is carried out by hands that have taken a position bent at the elbow joints. To ensure maximum comfort when performing, it is worth wrapping the neck with a soft cloth, such as a towel, to avoid pain at the holding points.

The development of strength and muscle mass of these muscle groups is ensured.

If your sports equipment has weightlifting racks, then it is better to use them in the process. This ensures safety during exercise.

Zercher's squats require an athlete of average and above, as they are part of the set of exercises performed by strongmen.

And in such movements, strength is needed, like in powerlifters, and the ability to coordinate your technique well, as, for example, in a weightlifting snatch.

Although with small weights you can do it at home, without racks. This is one of its main advantages.

This type of squat is similar to the front squat, only the center of mass is even lower.

Benefits of the Zercher Squat

Zercher Squat Technique

The neck of the projectile should be located in the gap between the abdomen and chest. Then it is loaded with the optimal weight.

- The forearms should be pressed against the chest, since in this position the barbell is securely fixed.

- After lifting, the starting position is taken: you need to move away from the rack at a distance of several steps and spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Feet can be slightly spread apart.

- The back should be perfectly flat, but slight deflection in the lumbar region is allowed. The head is raised, the gaze is directed forward. The exercise is similar to the barbell squat.

- Before you sit down, you need to take a deep and slow breath. The pelvis moves backward when moving down. You also need to control the position of the back, which should be fully extended. A variant of the squat to the parallel is usually used, until the angle formed by the thigh and calf muscle reaches 90 degrees. If the execution is correct, then the knees should merge with the straight line formed by the feet and form a perpendicular intersection with the torso. If the described position turned out, then you can exhale and rise. After taking the starting position, the exercise is performed the appropriate number of approaches.


Try doing the Zercher squat on leg day, instead of or immediately after the classic squats. Use barbell removal racks.

If you manage to master the Zercher squat in your strength training, you will acquire an effective tool that allows you to train strength, endurance and proper coordination at the same time.

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author - Denis Strongshop 

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