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Leg curls lying down on the machine

The leg curls lying down on the machine are a popular isolated movement aimed at working the twin-headed thigh muscles. 

Let's talk about why this kind of bending is needed, where it is used, how to do it correctly, and what common mistakes athletes make, below.


What engages




Working muscles

The thigh biceps - this is where all the load is placed;

Calves - often works as an auxiliary element;

Gluteals - also plays an additional role, the workout is carried out indirectly;

Lumbar girdles - they are strained in static position.

As you can see, the entire load here falls on the posterior chain of leg muscles


Bending has become very popular in bodybuilding. It is an isolation exercise because it involves one knee joint.

It is often used as an additional action after a basic workout for the biceps muscle in fitness.

Can be used as an aid in powerlifting. 

Leg curl is a technically simple movement, also suitable for beginners. Performed on a special leg extension that can be loaded with both free weights, such as on a universal bench, and can be connected with a pulley, such as on a fitness station.

The technique of performing leg bends lying down

  • - Load the working weight on the footrest;
  • - When taking the starting position, make sure that the knee joints go over the edge of the bench. The lower part of the shin rests on the roller, which should be a couple of centimeters above the heel.
  • - Once you have laid down and pressed your stomach against the bench, you can put your legs under the roller. Hands are placed on the special handles or on the edges of the simulator.
  • - Controlled and slowly perform the movement, you can hold on to the top point for a couple of seconds;
  • - Bend your knees and try to bring the roller as close to the buttocks as possible. The front surface of the thighs should be pressed against the bench.
  • - Inhale and straighten your shins, and gently lower your weight down. It is not necessary to straighten the knees fully and relax the biceps of the thigh at the bottom point.
  • - Try not to help yourself with the body, and do not take it off the bench;

The main secret is that the roller should be as close to the heel as possible. Then the leverage will be larger and the exercise will be more effective.

Since the work is for relief, the number of repetitions can be high, for example 12 - 15;

A lot depends on the correct implementation of the exercise. For example, whether you will be able to achieve your goal, whether you will not get injured

Common mistakes

The movement may seem easy at first, but mistakes are often made while performing it. The top most common ones are:

Too much weight;

Too many strong jerks;

pelvic thrusts;

displacement of the body.

Not only do such mistakes not bring proper results, but they can also cause various injuries and more serious consequences. Performing safely is the key to success and health.

How to do it correctly?

Bending should be performed safely, otherwise there is a risk of injury and not getting the desired results. And if you know some secrets of performance, the exercise will be easy and simple.

In particular, it is recommended to firmly grasp the handles, not to tear off the pelvis at the bend of the benches. To keep the load on the muscles, it is worth leaving your knees bent at the bottom point.

What muscles work?

Leg flexion in the prone position involves a relatively small number of muscles. Here all the work is essentially given to a single joint - the knee joint. It works the posterior surface of the thighs, the biceps, semitendinosus, and semitendinosus muscles.

What are the benefits of bending?

Coaches point out the many benefits of performing such a movement. What are the benefits of bending:

Accessible to every beginner to pump the biceps of the thighs;

The ability to perform actions according to a given structure and amplitude to facilitate the process;

Low injury risk if the technique is followed.

In addition, the exercise is useful for relief, and can also be used during training to increase muscle volume.

What not to do in the exercise?

It is not necessary to move your pelvis on the bench, the movement should be done by bending and extending the knees. The lifting of the hips is natural, aimed at strengthening the contraction of the muscles. The end of each approach should be accompanied by a stretching of the rear thigh. There is also no need to tear off the pelvis at the point of inflection of the benches.

Who it suits?

Suitable for beginners, experienced athletes, girls, guys. There are different variations, allowing you to choose the most suitable for you.


The exercise is simple, but it is better to include it in your training at the very end, after the basic basic leg exercises and powerful basic exercises such as deadlifts.

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author - Denis Strongshop 

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