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Dumbbell press lying on a bench with and without an incline

Dumbbell press lying on a bench with and without an incline is a basic exercise for pumping chest muscles, triceps and anterior delta beam are also included in the work. This exercise should be performed both on a horizontal and on an inclined bench..

Pumping the pectoral muscles in each position will be about the same as in the bench presses..



Applications and benefits:

The dumbbell bench press is used in both bodybuilding and powerlifting, in the mode of work on mass and terrain, and also as an auxiliary exercise to improve the bench press.

The incline dumbbell press variation is used primarily by bodybuilders.

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

The main advantage of dumbbell presses is that they provide a greater range of motion and, as a result, greater impact on the muscles. Judge for yourself, at the bottom of the bench press with a barbell, the neck rests on the chest, but with dumbbells you can lower your hands much lower.

The same circumstance allows you to stretch the pectoral muscles more strongly at the beginning of the movement. In addition, the need to maintain balance causes the muscles to resist the load in an unusual, new way.

Dumbbell bench press technique: 

Since it is difficult to bring heavy dumbbells to their original position on outstretched arms, we use the following trick: we sit on the edge of the bench and put the dumbbells vertically on our hips closer to our knees. Now roll over onto your back, helping to “throw” the dumbbells to the top point of the amplitude with your knees.

- We hold dumbbells like a barbell, i.e. with a front grip

- We perform a dumbbell press with a powerful movement on the exhale

- After a short pause at the top, under control, we return the dumbbells to their original position

- The body is motionless, the legs powerfully rest on the floor

There are different opinions regarding the position of the palms during execution. Some athletes turn their palms towards each other, while the dumbbells are parallel to each other. However, it must be understood that this position is incorrect. The palms should be positioned as when pressing the bar.


- Dumbbell presses will be useful if the dumbbells are heavy enough, this applies especially to the strength option, for example, using it as an additional exercise in powerlifting.

- Despite the fact that the parallel position of the palms is not effective enough, dumbbell presses can be done this way to create new stress on the pectoral muscles

- At the top of the movement, the dumbbells should be brought one to the other as close as possible. The use of dumbbells instead of a barbell during the bench press, of course, involves lower working weights, but still, if there is not enough experience yet or there is no self-confidence, the presence of a partner is desirable.

Question and answer about dumbbell bench presses

If I'm a beginner, can I use it?

Yes, but just take not a lot of weight and stick to the technique

What equipment is needed?

Bench press and two dumbbells.

Useful links

author - Denis Strongshop

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