Deadlift with one hand

Exercise deadlift with one hand is a rather rare and difficult type of deadlift. It will add variety to your traction, back and stabilizer workouts.

Engages muscles that were previously poorly worked out, super stress is provided for them.


What is it used for

What are the benefits

How to do it right


Deadlift with one hand is used as a separate traction exercise and additional, to increase the result in the classic deadlift, and as a consequence in squats. The peculiarity is that it will be difficult for you to keep balance, your trapezium and the latissimus dorsi will experience a large and unusual load from working in this mode, trying to align the upper back, this movement will give them great stress.

They are mainly used in powerlifting, strong, weightlifting.

But still, this exercise is not for beginners, you need to clearly feel the well-coordinated work of the muscles



Due to the fact that the stabilizer muscles will have a very hard time, with regular exercise they will become stronger, which is good, since they usually lag behind athletes. In the deadlift, the oblique muscles of the abdominal region are also very important. Imagine for yourself how these muscles that do not hold you well (muscle stabilizers), and you put them and such stress on top, will definitely benefit you.

Note that single-handed pulling is much more difficult than two-handed pulling, confirming that single-handed pulling will have a positive impact on your progress. With one hand, they can usually lift about 60% of the result when doing deadlifts with two hands.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that fewer motor units are involved and the number of nerve impulses that should have gone to both hands went to one, that is, less dispersion. Michael Metzner spoke about this effect and used it in his training.

Also, the deadlift exercise with one hand trains the grip well, so it can be used to strengthen it. not what your legs and back are capable of.

Working muscles

Back - all, legs, press, oblique muscles, stabilizers.

Technique and options for deadlift with one hand

To begin with, it is better to pull with one hand in sumo style, i.e. in this case, the position relative to the bar is like in sumo thrust, only on the bar there is one hand in the middle.

The technique is as follows: in the starting position, the legs are wide and touch the neck, the feet are turned at an angle, the back is straight, and the gaze is forward.

We take the barbell with a straight hand and, while holding our breath, we begin to pull, starting the movement with the force of the legs and leading the neck along the lower leg and thighs.

Upon reaching the lockout, we return the barbell to its original position, repeating the amplitude in reverse.

We perform the required number of repetitions.

In addition to the sumo option, there is another even more difficult option, but try it with a lower working weight.

The second option for doing a deadlift with one hand is when the bar is on the side next to you. This version of the execution is more complex, it is called one-handed thrust Suitcase. Even small weights with this embodiment will not be easy.

Stabilizers and core muscles are great because you have to balance, stabilize the bar, and pull at the same time. When performing the Suitcase option, you can not put the barbell on the floor, but stop a couple of centimeters.

The training should be designed in such a way that you are strong and developed in all respects and work on your weak points. As a rule, lagging muscles are those that do not grow well and limit the growth of more responsive muscles.


Very interesting and specific movement. Perform it sometimes in your workouts, strictly observing the technique.

We put after the main thrust and vary the options for sumo and suitcase.

author - Denis Strongshop

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