Armlifting sport and training

Armlifting is a relatively new sport, training and competition for grip strength and arm strength. This type of power sport is actively developing and gaining popularity.

The history of armlifting itself began around 1993, when the IronMind strength training company released the Rolling Thunder simulator.


This is a very democratic power direction, which allows absolutely everyone to engage in it. Age and health are not a hindrance. And there is very little space for training. Choose one or more disciplines for yourself and work on them.

In official competitions, special shells are used Rolling Thunder, Apollon's Axle, Saxon Bar, Captains of Crush and others. You can buy them in specialized stores, or find analogues that will cost less.  

Armlifting exercises

Armlifting as a sport includes the following competitive movements :


1. Rolling Thunder handle pull rod "rolling thunder"

 Rolling Thunder

The main exercise of armlifting, you can say it is a symbol. Developed by IronMind in 1993. The diameter of the handle is 60 mm, while it is movable, i.e. spinning. Training takes place, respectively, with the handle itself, to which a vertical bar is attached with a carabiner. It must meet the following general requirements:

- the neck diameter must be strictly 50 mm.

- total length not less than 38 and not more than 45 cm.

There are both original pens from Iron Mind and certified from other manufacturers in some countries.

Competitive requirements:

- Rolling Thunder handle must be factory made

-Rolling Thunder must be presented in sealed and unopened packaging.

- handle length - 250 mm;

- the rotating part has a length of 152mm;

- handle diameter: 59-61 mm


2. Thrust Apollo Axle - Apollo Axes

Appolon Axel barbell pull

IronMind® Apollon's Axle™ is the Apollon's Axle from IronMind, released in 1994. This is a thick neck, the diameter of which is 50 mm. And the exercise itself with this bar is a classic deadlift, only performed without a different grip, but with an overhand grip.

Training of this movement is carried out either by traction with a directly thick neck or with special expanders that are worn on the neck. If there are no expanders, you can wrap the neck of the barbell with a towel and perform traction with it.

Competitive requirements:

- Apolon Axle must be factory-made;

- the neck diameter must be strictly 50 mm;

- total length from 215 to 245 cm;

- the distance between the inner ends of the neck sleeves should not be less than
130 cm, and not more than 150 cm

;3. Тяга Saxon Bar Deadlift 

Это двойной щипковый хват. Такая разновидность штанги - исторический, культовый снаряд для демонстрации нечеловеческой силы, названый в честь одного из величайших атлетов в истории силового спорта Артура Саксона, который мог рывком поднять с земли на вытянутые руки над головой сосновую доску толщиной 5 сантиметров и весом 90 килограммов
Диаметр грифа Saxon Bar на соревнованиях по армлифтингу составляет 80 мм. Такой гриф предназначен специально для развития эффективного и сильного щипкового хвата.

Для того что бы тренировать такие подъёмы нужно иметь саксон гриф. 

Соревновательные требования:

- Saxon Bar должен быть фабричного изготовления:

- общая длина от 180 до 210 см;

- расстояние между внутренними торцами втулок грифа 90-100 см;

4. Raising the Hub

This is a pure pinch grip. Rise behind the hub, cut three-inch (76 mm) pipe. The hub-style pinch gripper from IronMind is also considered a standard projectile.
The load is hung on a chain or vertical bar with a carabiner

Competitive requirements:

Hub must be factory made:

- the diameter of the ring must be strictly 76 mm;

The vertical neck must meet the following general requirements:

- the neck diameter must be strictly 50 mm.

- total length not less than 38 and not more than 45 cm.

5. Silver Bullet and Captains of Crush expanders

A load of 2.5 kg is attached to the Silver Pool. The "silver bullet" is installed in the expander no deeper than the upper edge of the risk located in the middle of the "bullet".
The Silver Bullet is an oblong iron bullet with the following characteristics: length - 45 mm, diameter - 19 mm, cord size not less than 48 cm.

Competitive requirements:

The expander and bullet must be factory-made;
expanders Captains of Crush No.3 (for men) or Captains of Crush No.1 (for women).

Only the original IronMind CoC Silver Bullet, with an optional 2.5kg suspended weight, must be used in competition.

6. Excalibur handle pull

The handle diameter is 50 mm, to which the vertical neck is attached.

Competitive requirements:

- Excalibur must be factory made

- handle length: 150 mm;

- handle diameter: 50 mm


These competitive movements are also the main armlifting exercises that athletes perform in their training.


Incorporate into your training

If you are engaged in bodybuilding for example and want to strengthen your grip, then armlifting workouts can be included in your training on rest days by choosing a couple of exercises. You can also devote a little more time to it and increase your results in the main competitive disciplines.

Armlifting as a sport has its own standards by which you can navigate. For training, you need a minimum of equipment and a little time and space.

It is necessary to apply armlifting exercises in a power style and statics after a thorough warm-up of the hand, fingers and forearm, the frequency of training should not exceed twice a week






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author - Denis Strongshop 

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