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Dips on bench

Dips of bench effective and easy to perform exercise for triceps pumping, which can be performed without special equipment.

Also, the exercise is also called dips between two supports (bench). There is also the name of reverse push-ups from the bench and lowering to the triceps.

What muscles work

reverse push-ups from the bench perfectly work out the triceps, most of all two heads - lateral and medial.

The Benefits of Bench Reverse Pushups:

This exercise allows you to vary the load in a wide range and is suitable for athletes of any level of training, for both men and women. Reverse push-ups are called due to the fact that they are performed in an emphasis on the back, that is, the hands are behind the body, and not in front of it. Great for building triceps mass.

The push-up data is used in fitness and bodybuilding.

Also deltoids, pectoral, rhomboid and lats are included in the work. During elbow flexion (failure phase), the triceps contract eccentrically, and when returning to the starting position, the triceps contract concentrically.

Of course, to achieve the maximum effect from the exercise, you must use additional weights. You can increase the load with barbell discs by carefully placing them on your legs closer to your waist. It is also acceptable to use a weight belt.

Here's what scientific research says about back-to-bench triceps push-ups:

- This is a closed kinetic chain (CKC) exercise that involves moving the body while the arms (or legs) are in a fixed position. It perfectly isolates the triceps and immediately involves all three of its heads in the work;

- the lack of momentum during the "failure" allows you to maintain tension in the triceps throughout the entire movement;

- the use of an unlimited amount of weight allows you to constantly progress in the exercise;

- the variability of the exercise allows you to use a different grip width and position of the feet;

May help develop chest width by stretching the chest slightly when lowered

Develop the strength of the athlete, allowing him to add a little in such basic exercises as a barbell / dumbbell bench press;

inclusion in the work of small muscle groups (muscle-stabilizers), which are very difficult to hook with standard movements.


Bodybuilding and fitness

A scientific study at VIDA Fitness Renaissance (Washington, USA) has shown that reverse push-ups are one of the most effective exercises for identifying high levels of triceps muscle activity. “… dips are a closed circuit movement and provide a growth stimulus for many synergistic muscles, including the pectoralis major, trapezius, and serratus anterior”.

Triceps bench press technique

- Set two benches across at a distance of outstretched legs. Turn your back to one of them and place your hands (shoulder-width grip) on the edge, throw your legs over the other. Feet should not be deep on the bench, you just need to put them on the edge. This is the starting position.

- While inhaling, we slowly and under control descend to the bottom, bending our elbows. We lower the body to a position where the shoulders do not become parallel to the floor (90 degree angle). Keep your elbows straight and do not spread them too far to the sides.

- In the lower position, due to the effort of the triceps, while exhaling, we powerfully push the torso up to the starting position.

A lighter version of the execution, when the feet are on the floor. It is mostly used by girls. If you bend your knees at the same time, it will be even easier.

Additional Tips

- Sitting on the edge of the support, keep your hands in close proximity to your hips;

- At the top point, it is necessary to leave the arms slightly bent (for the version of the legs on the floor);

- Do not jerk the body, push-ups from the bench are performed solely by contracting the triceps.

- The back should be straight throughout the entire trajectory of movement and walk in a vertical plane (next to the edge of the bench);

- The body should exactly sag m / y with supports, and this is achieved by placing arms and legs on the edge of the benches;

- Using additional weights, first put them on the pelvis, and only then throw your legs or ask a partner;

- Do not fall below the angle of 90 degrees in the elbow joint, this is fraught with injuries;

- The last repetitions in the same approach can be performed to failure, i.e. when you can't get up.

There is a rumor that bench reverse push-ups can lead to shoulder injury.

There are allegations that they say reverse push-ups put a load on the shoulders and should not be done. Let's analyze this issue.

The movement itself (failure down) increases the shear forces in the shoulder joint and can negatively affect the nerve endings of the muscle group. In addition, the performance of this exercise requires sufficient shoulder flexibility and stability of the shoulder bag. If the athlete does not possess these, then it is necessary to observe the strict technique of the angle - up to 90 degrees and the use of adequately moderate weights. Otherwise, there is a high probability of injury to the rotator cuff of the shoulder (the weakest and non-pumpable part of the delta)


An important addition is the placement of this exercise in the triceps training program. Often, failures are put in the end as a finishing exercise. This can only be done with caution, because if the shoulder joint is already sufficiently loaded and tired from the previous work, and the upcoming basic exercise (especially with a lot of weight) will drive it into a “traumatic dead end”.

\Of course this applies to the version with extra weight. In the variant without weights, you can safely perform at the end of the triceps workout.

In general, an excellent exercise and for doing at home, suitable for absolutely everyone.

Useful links

author - Denis Strongshop

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