Reading time: 2 - 3 minutes

The EZ Bar French Press is one of the most popular and essential bodybuilding exercises for developing triceps muscles.

Muscles worked: If the bar is lowered towards the forehead, then the medial and lateral heads of the triceps are more involved, if the bar is lowered behind the head, then the long head of the triceps is mainly involved.

Variations: The EZ Barbell French Press has several variations. It can be done standing, sitting or lying down.

EZ Barbell French Press Technique 

Consider the option of performing a movement while sitting or standing.

Starting position for this exercise:

Set the back of the bench in a vertical position, sit down on the seat, firmly rest your feet on the floor.

The trapezium of the back should be pressed against the back of the bench.

The back needs to be aligned and slightly bent in the lumbar region.

Grasp the EZ bar from above with a narrow grip on its curved parts.

The palms need to be slightly turned towards each other and kept at a distance already shoulder-width apart.

The bar should be lifted up so that the neck is above the very top of the head.

The torso and arms should be fully extended so that they are in the same plane running through the sides of your torso. Keep your chin parallel to the floor or slightly raised up.

The movement itself

Inhale as deeply as possible and hold your breath, then bend your elbows so that the neck falls behind your head.

For the entire set, the part of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow must remain completely motionless along with the torso.

Lower the bar behind your head until you feel that the triceps are too tight. After that, tighten your triceps as much as possible and return the barbell to its original position.
Exhale only when the barbell has passed the most difficult part of the lift or when your arms are fully extended.

At the highest point in the exercise, pause a little and tighten your triceps with all your strength.

author - Denis Strongshop 

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