The Lee Haney Pull is an excellent basic exercise that allows you to work your trapezius and delts at the same time. 

It was invented by the legendary athlete Lee Haney, eight-time Mr Olympia, the owner of the most amazing back in the world of bodybuilding and in general of a very aesthetic, symmetrical and well-proportioned figure.

«"If this exercise didn't build my back, it certainly contributed very much to its development, depth and detail."  This is what Lee Haney himself said about the exercise.


Muscle groups involved

The benefits



Working muscles

The main muscle that works is the trapezius muscle.

The second most affected muscle is the deltoid muscle, namely its posterior bundle.

The Li-Heini Pulling therefore effectively traps the trapezius as well as the posterior deltoid bundle.

The latitude muscles of the back are virtually eliminated, while the trapeze and delts are effectively stressed.

Benefits and use:

The barbell behind the back is very similar to the standard barbell pull, with the difference that the bar is behind the back, the exercise is performed behind the back.  

It can be used by bodybuilders and powerlifters. One exercise is working out two muscle groups at once, which is certainly very convenient.

It is more convenient to perform it with an ordinary straight bar, although it is also possible to use dumbbells.


Lee Haney's pulling technique:

- Grab the barbell as for the barbell, but with the grip behind you (behind the back, as in Gackenschmidt squats for example).

- Standing steadily, pull the barbell upwards, above waist level, until you cannot move it more than a millimetre.

- Then lower the weight gently and go straight on to the next repetition.


If you want to work the middle of your back more, the grip should be 5 cm wider than your shoulders on each side.

If your aim is to develop upper trapezius and dorsal deltoid fascicles, keep your grip at shoulder width.

Another recommendation: do not reach 'failure' in this exercise, as you are in a very unstable position.

The athlete himself used about sixty kilograms of barbell as a working weight. So it is not worth chasing too much weight. 

Mistakes in the Leahaney pull

It should be remembered that the key to success is to follow technique as closely as possible, otherwise your training will be ineffective.

Excessive weight is the most common mistake, this is not a regular barbell, there is more subtle work here.

Avoid cheating, some people kind of throw the projectile. 

If you start to spread your elbows, the load will start to shift away from the target muscles,


A great exercise from a bodybuilding star. Start with the trapeze as a core move, or if you're doing a backtracking workout, perhaps at the end.


author - Denis Strongshop

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