Dumbbell side Lateral Raise lying down

The Dumbbell side Lateral Raise lying down exercise is an isolated power movement that is used mainly by bodybuilders to pump the deltoid muscles.

It shows good efficiency when working on relief. If you regularly perform dumbbell lifts through the prone side, you can give the bundles of deltoids roundness, a clear outline, develop volume and strength.


Application area

What develops

Execution technique

Common Mistakes


Where applicable

The scope of this exercise is mainly fitness, as well as bodybuilding, in which this type of lifting through the sides is used when working on the relief of the shoulders.

Compared to the standing movement with two dumbbells, the working weight is less here, the body cannot be helped. Therefore, the main advantage of the exercise is the maximum degree of isolation and "purity" of execution.

Can be done at home or in the gym.



What muscles work

The main focus is on the middle bundle of the deltoid muscle.

Also included in the work are trapezoidal, as well as less significantly pectoral, serrated.


Lying Dumbbell Lateral Raises Technique

o begin with, carefully knead the shoulders.

The lying position on an inclined bench makes it possible to work out the deltoid separately, to exclude the muscles of the legs and back from work. The back of the bench should be set at 45 degrees.

Taking the projectile in the working hand, it is important to ensure that the dumbbell is in freely lowered hands perpendicular to the floor.

Next, we inhale and as we exhale we lift the dumbbell up to a position approximately parallel to the floor. The pace of execution is average.

When you reach the top point, you can make a short pause and then lower the weight in a controlled manner to its original position.

We perform the required number of repetitions and after that we change hands and, accordingly, the sides.



Having become familiar with the execution technique, you can still make mistakes, especially beginners make them. Here are the most common mistakes:

incorrect positioning of the legs and too wide breeding of the hips;

change in body position during movement;

ignoring the condition in observing the angle of 45 °.

Another common mistake in doing alternate dumbbell raises is that there is no control over lowering the weight and everything is done extremely quickly.

When using excessive weight and swinging dumbbells while lying on your side, the risk of injuring the shoulder joint increases.


Вопрос\Ответ про подъемы гантелей через стороны лежа.

How to do it right?

Angle around 45 degrees. Clear and slow lifting of the dumbbell and controlled lowering. body is motionless.

What equipment will be needed?

Just a set dumbbell and a stable bench, preferably adjustable.

What to replace?

You need to rely on your own level of training and goals, choosing which option to choose. Options: simultaneous swings through the sides while standing and there is also an alternative to perform a breeding by placing in the center of the crossover near the lower block.

Is it suitable for girls?

This movement is great for girls, you just need to choose the right weight. Beginners need to start with very small weights. The correct execution and observance of the techniques will allow you to tone the muscles, get chiseled and strong shoulders, with a clear relief and separation.

What are the main benefits

The maximum degree of isolation, the impossibility of using cheating. 


Useful links




author - Denis Strongshop  

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