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Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise is a popular isolation exercise for the posterior deltoid bundle.


Scope and advantages

How to do it right

Permissible mistakes


An important exercise for pumping the rear bundle of deltoid muscles, which lags behind for many amateurs. With a weakly expressed back beam, the shoulders do not look so harmonious.

The advantage of tilting dumbbells is that it pumps the rear deltoid bundle well and sets the necessary stress. It is mainly used in bodybuilding.

Correct and clean execution is important, otherwise the load will leave the target muscles.


Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise Technique

  • Take dumbbells in both hands, palms facing each other. Lean forward so that your torso is parallel to the floor. The back is straight, slightly arched at the waist.
  • In the starting position, the dumbbells hang on straightened arms. Hands should be firmly fixed at the elbows, straight to the very end of the set. They can be bent a little before starting the exercise.
  • Tighten the rear deltas and trapezium and smoothly spread the dumbbells to the sides, trying to raise them as high as possible.
  • Hands should move exclusively in a vertical plane passing through the shoulders. Do not take the dumbbells back or forward.
  • At the top, the elbows should be above the level of the back.
  • Slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position. Pause briefly and do the next rep.

Recommendations and common mistakes

Always keep your back straight, slightly arched at the waist. Even a slight rounding of the back is fraught with injury.

To maximize the load on the rear deltas, lower your shoulders in the starting position and raise the dumbbells as high as possible above the level of the back, but do not bring the shoulder blades together.

Do not use overly heavy dumbbells. They can prevent you from working out the exercise technically correctly and cause injury.

Exercise Options

The first option is to use crossover dilutions in a crossover.

Place the bench in the middle of the crossover so that your shoulders are in the same vertical plane with the lower blocks. Attach the D-handles to the cables passing through these pulleys and cross the cables to pull apart. However, the crossover, compared to dumbbells, has a significant drawback - you cannot perform breeding in full amplitude, since the crossing cables prevent you from spreading the handles above shoulder level.

Another variation is breeding with one hand in a block simulator while kneeling. In the starting position, you get on all fours, rest with one hand on the floor and bend it slightly so that the shoulder of the working hand is raised (otherwise, when returning to the starting position, the handle will cling to the floor).

Place in training

Since this is a pronounced isolated exercise. it is correct to put it at the end of the delta workout.

Useful links 

author - Denis Strongshop

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