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Standing barbell bench press (military bench press)

The barbell bench press from the chest while standing or, as they say, the military bench press is an excellent basic exercise for the development of the deltoid muscles.

This is a very old exercise, it has been performed since the dawn of the era of bodybuilding and other strength sports and absolutely rightly done, because it is very important for the complex development of the shoulders. In it you can use large working weights, develop strength and muscle mass.


Where applicable

What muscles work

How to do it right

Common Mistakes


The range of use of the army press is really wide:

For muscle building in bodybuilding

Development of shoulder strength in powerlifting and strong

In weightlifting

And also in a new power discipline - power sports

All athletes can perform, regardless of the level of training and goals.

Working muscle groups:

Axial load - deltoid muscles - all three bundles,,

Additional - triceps are included in the work.

Of course, subject to proper execution, in compliance with the technique.

To perform, only racks are needed, although you can even do without them.

Army or classic bench press is usually performed while standing. There is a sitting option. - with a straight bar, dumbbells or in an overhead press machine. But that's not quite the same anymore.

However, the standing version is a more classic version, performed by athletes over the years.

Army bench press technique

After a good warm-up with an empty neck, set the working weight.

We dive under the racks and take the barbell with a grip slightly wider than the shoulders.

We bring the shoulders and chest under the bar, the bar should be located on the chest at the base of the neck, as high as possible, we remove from the racks

Step back and take the starting position: back straight, legs slightly wider than shoulders, slightly bent at the knees

Powerfully squeeze the projectile to the top point, fully straightening your arms at the elbows.

Then we slowly lower the bar to the chest, in the same place where we started the start, do not relax the muscles at the bottom point and do not allow the bar to touch the chest and shoulders.

You can do a slight tilt of the torso back.

After completion, lower the bar to the chest and, taking a step forward, return to the racks.

If you put more emphasis on strength than on relief, then you work with more weights and with fewer repetitions. The movement is also controlled, but with greater power and speed.


Strong back tilt. This is both bad for the back and reduces efficiency.

Help with feet, ie shvungi. Accordingly, facilitating implementation and reducing efficiency.


Since the military press is a powerful basic exercise, it is recommended to perform it at the beginning of your deltoid workout, when there is still a lot of strength. Also, this movement will not be a bad help to increase the results in the bench press, especially in the initial phase of the breakdown.

Learn the execution technique and increase the working weights correctly, for example, in a cycle. Be sure to warm up, use an athletic belt and bandages.

This exercise is the basis of the basics not only for the development of the deltoid muscles, it should be present in almost any training program for the development of the entire shoulder girdle.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What will benefit me from doing the bench press?

Regularly performed with constant progress will give an excellent increase in strength and muscle mass to your shoulders.

What type of barbell is best for the military bench press?

Almost any straight neck.

When is the best time to train the military press?

At the very beginning of the training of the deltoid muscles, it is better first.

How to lift the barbell on your shoulders?

Two methods can be used here: the first is to take the bar from racks set at shoulder height. The second is to take the barbell from the floor, performing a weightlifting barbell cleanup.

author - Denis Strongshop

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