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Leg raises while lying on your back

Leg raises while lying on your back are a well-known, simple abdominal exercise that focuses on pumping up the lower region.

Can be performed by absolutely everyone, both at home and in the gym. The level of preparation does not matter..

It can be used as a general strengthening exercise for developing the abs at the initial level, and as an exercise for pumping and defining the muscles in the lower abs. Leg raises while lying on your back are also used as an element in the prevention of osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias, and are also suitable for rehabilitation after various injuries in this area.


- The simplest option is to alternately raise your legs. Used by people with very weak abdominal muscles or when heavy loads are contraindicated.

- Simultaneous raising of legs. This can be said to be a classic version of the exercise.

- Raising legs with additional weights. This is a more advanced version of the implementation to increase the load. It is used when a simple leg lift is ineffective and does not pump up the abs sufficiently. The option with weights will really complicate the exercise. A weighting material that clings to your legs or is simply clamped by them is suitable as a burden. This could be a dumbbell or a barbell disc..

Technique for performing leg raises while lying on your back

- We lie down on the floor or on a bench. Keep your back pressed, arms along your body if the exercise is performed on the floor, and hold on to the bench. The head is pressed down, the legs are together and almost straight.

- We begin to lift our legs to approximately an angle of 60 degrees. At the top point, we take a short pause and smoothly lower our legs to the starting point, but do not put them down, but keep them at a short distance from the floor to constantly tense the abdominal muscles. Work in mode 8 - 12 for strength and mass, and 15 - 20 for drying and relief.

Raising your head and especially lowering your legs while touching will make the exercise much easier. therefore, if the exerciser’s abdominal muscles are strong enough, these will be mistakes that will greatly facilitate the exercise. Also, when raising your legs above 60 - 70 degrees, the tension in the press will begin to subside, so for maximum effect, work as if at a reduced amplitude. Watch your lower back, you can’t tear it off

At an advanced level, supine leg raises with weights will give you a comprehensive abs workout. Gradually build up your abs if you feel you can do more.

It can be great to combine the exercise with others aimed at the abs. For example, at the beginning of the week we perform abdominal presses with weights, and at the end we perform leg lifts with weights. This way we will pump up the press From and To.


Use this exercise if you do not use other exercises for the lower abs, such as hanging leg raises. 

author - Denis Strongshop

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