Many people engaged in strength training want to achieve good results in the bench press.

Beginners find it the most difficult, as they naturally want to match their friends or gym partners in the bench press. But how should one start their journey in this crucial exercise?

The answer is a proper training system. It will lay an important foundation and help the beginner quickly press a decent weight.

At the same time, an improper training system can lead to injury or overtraining.

As a result, inexperienced people become disillusioned with the bench press and begin to ignore it. Trainers are familiar with excuses like it's unnecessary or ineffective.

Of course, this is not the solution! The right decision is to choose a competent training program and follow it strictly.

We won't describe all the benefits of the bench press here; we'll just say that it is essential for all strength athletes to develop strength and muscle mass.


Bench Press Program up to 100 kg

Let's get to the point. I offer you a training program for those who want to press 100 kg.

It is primarily for beginners who are just starting out. It is also suitable for more experienced gym-goers who press a small weight. For example, many in this category get stuck at around 70 - 80 kg. You will gain both strength and muscle mass in your entire shoulder girdle. First, you need to calculate your percentages of the maximum. To do this, try to press your maximum weight and record the result. You can also use a maximum calculator.

Don't be afraid; all serious athletes record their weights.


Recording format: % percentage of your maximum at the moment, then the number of repetitions x and then the number of sets.

For example, 75%x6x5 - 75 percent of the maximum, in 6 repetitions and in 5 sets.

The main exercise is the bench press itself.

Accessory exercises are additional exercises for the chest, triceps, and shoulders. (All muscle groups involved in the bench press)

Week 1

Day 1

Main exercise - 75%x5x5


Day 2

Main exercise - 75%x6x5


Week 2

Day 1

Bench press - 70%x6x4


Day 2

Bench press - 70%x4x2, 80%x5x3


Week 3

Day 1

Bench press - 60%x6x2, 70%x5x2, 80%x5x4


Day 2

Bench press - 75%x8x2


Week 4

Day 1

Bench press - 60%x5x2, 70%x4x2, 80%x3x2, 85%x2x5


Day 2

Bench press - 60%x9x1, 65%x8x1, 70%x6x1, 75%x5x1, 80%x4x1, 85%x4x1, 90%x2x1, 85%x3x1, 80%x3x1, 70%x5x1, 60%x8x1


Week 5

Day 1

Bench press - 70%x4x2, 80%x3x2, 85%x3x2, 90%x2x5


Day 2

Bench press - 80%x4x2, 85%x5x3


Week 6

Day 1

Bench press - 75%x4x2, 85%x8x2


Day 2

Bench press - 70%x6x2, 80%x4x3, 90%x2x3, 85%x3x3


Week 7

Day 1

Bench press - 70%x4x2, 80%x3x2, 90%x2x2, 95%x1x2


Day 2

Bench press - 75%x2x4, 85%x4x4


Week 8

Day 1

Bench press - 80%x5x4


Day 2

Bench press - 70%x4x4



Any questions? Contact your bench press coach



Of course, there are no miracles, and quick progress cannot be achieved in a short period. But over time, for example, in a year, you will definitely be able to significantly increase your bench press.

You can repeat the program as many times as you want.

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Online fitness trainer services and strength training blog. Exercises, training programs, methods, books.


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