Straight Bar Standard Grip Bicep Curls

Straight Bar Standard Grip Bicep Curls are the main basic exercise for pumping biceps. Great for increasing strength and muscle mass. Also, this exercise involves the muscles of the forearm..

Applications and benefits

The standing barbell curl is usually present in the training programs of athletes of all levels and is the main exercise for developing biceps mass and strength. It is used in bodybuilding, powerlifting, and strong. This is a must have for any strength athlete.

They use options with different necks, although the classic is the use of a conventional straight bar



Standing Barbell Curl Technique

  • Starting position: Stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend them at the knees. Take the bar with your palms up at about shoulder width. If the grip is narrower, then the load will go to the outer head of the muscle more. If the grip is wider, then more load will move to the inner head of the biceps.
  • Fulfillment: we look in front of us, while inhaling or holding our breath, we begin to bend the arms in the biceps to the level of the upper chest. You should not raise the bar too high and, as it were, throw it on your chest.
  • You must try to keep your elbows in place - do not spread them apart and do not move them back and forth.
  • After reaching the top point, you can make a short pause, after which we smoothly lower the bar. For complication, you can not completely unbend your arms in order to maintain constant tension.
  • In the process of lifting, do not help yourself with the body. True, there is an option to perform the so-called cheating approaches, in this embodiment, the weight is taken a little more than the working one, when lifting the barbell, we help ourselves a little with the body, carry out a fairly quick rise, pause at the top point and slowly lower the barbell, that is, we do, as it were, a negative repetition.


The great Arnold performed this exercise using cheating, his working weights were around 100 kg. This was his favorite biceps exercise, so let's take an example.

Although cheating is acceptable, you should not immediately chase weight, you must follow the technique.


Implementation options

Barbell lift with ez bar

With a curved (ez) bar, it is more comfortable to perform the exercise, especially for the wrists. Therefore, the working weight can usually be used more.


Lifting the barbell for biceps while standing with an overhand grip - this option shifts most of the load on the muscles of the forearm.


Strict lifting on the biceps with an emphasis

This is a competitive modification in which the shoulders and buttocks are pressed to the surface, and the legs are extended. Here the athlete lifts the maximum weight for 1 time, although several repetitions are used in training.

Becoming more and more popular lately.



Lifting the bar while standing on the biceps is the most important exercise for developing the muscles of the biceps. It must be in any training program. Both girls and boys can do it.

His place in training is subject to change. If this is a day of hands, it is advisable to set it at the very beginning, but if, for example, a back workout is also planned, then after heavy basic exercises on the back.


FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about Standing Barbell Curls

Q: What will I get from doing a barbell curl while standing?

Answer: Regular performance with constant progress will give an excellent increase in strength and muscle mass to the biceps.


Question: What kind of rod is the best?

Answer: You can use a straight or EZ bar.


Q: When is the best time to train him?

Answer: Better at the very beginning of training the biceps muscles

Useful links 


author - Denis Strongshop

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