Zottman flexion

An old-school exercise for biceps pumping is the Zottman flexion. Many modern athletes have never heard of it, but it's a great exercise. It was invented by a power lifter named Zottman.

Working muscles

In addition to the two biceps bundles, the Zottman flexion effectively pumps the brachialis as well as the forearm. The biceps itself works in two directions: supination and normal flexion.


Lifting the dumbbell upward is carried out unseasonably by the biceps brachii muscle. At the upper point of the trajectory, the wrist is turned and the grip is changed into a pronated grip, dumbbell is lowered, while the brachialis and brachyradialis are actively engaged.  

As a result, we get two benefits from this movement at once:

unusual new stress on the biceps, a variety of training

simultaneous development of brachialis and forearm muscles in addition to biceps


Techniques for performing the Zottman bend

Take dumbbells in both hands and stand up straight. Extend your arms along your torso with your elbows pressed against your torso. Palms facing each other. This will be the starting position;

Start bending arms, with the upper part of the arm up to the elbow must remain immobile, only the forearm is working. Unfold your hands with palms facing upward (supine grip).

Continue the movement until the full contraction of the biceps, until the dumbbells are at shoulder level;

Now, after a short pause, turn the hand 180 degrees, that is, palms look down (pronated grip), the level of the thumb should be above the level of the little finger;

Slowly lower the dumbbells, holding them in a pronated grip;

When the dumbbells are near your hips, turn your wrists so that your palms are facing your body (neutral grip);

At the beginning do not use big working weights, get used to the movement, lift for 2-3 seconds, then pause and lower for 3-4 seconds, slowly and under control.


Here's what the great Arnold said about the Zottman bend 

I only use two exercises for my biceps - Zottman bends and cheating biceps lifts with 100kg barbell. Arnie's biceps are really outstanding, so this exercise is worth looking at anyway.

It is advisable to include this exercise in your workout, for example, after standing biceps curls.


author - Denis Strongshop    

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